Why Bone Broth?

Coming from the latest health trend in NY, nowadays you can purchase a cup or jar of bone broth from fine butchers and restaurants. Bone broth has become accessible over time! This growing services bring an awareness toward this old remedy. ...But do you want to pay $9 for a cup every time??? Granted that making bone broth takes time and effort, and this jar is a full of nourishments! Then why don't we make own for a full of big pot with less than $9? ;p

Each sip of bone broth gives you a wide range of nourishment like...

Multi-minerals and Amino acids (composing proteins)

Gelatin, works as digestive aid

Collagen, indispensable to bone, vascular wall, and skin health

Glucosamine and Chondroitin for joint health

Benefit to neutralize phytic acids* by cooking grains with broth

   *Phytic acid: contained in grains and legumes. It binds with minerals (meaning minerals cannot be assimilated into a body), and impacts on thyroid.

Bone broth alone has abundant nourishments, but adding medicinal herbs and seasonal veggies can boost up flavors and nutritional supports!

Organic, grass-fed chicken bones, gingers, and leeks are in the pot ↑

Organic, grass-fed chicken bones, gingers, and leeks are in the pot ↑

During winter seasons, it's nice to spend cozy time in house over the weekends and make bone broth. You can use whichever you like and have available, chicken, pork, beef, lamb, or fish. Beef bone broth has the most powerful boost.


What to prepare:

• Large stainless steal or enamel stockpot or crockpot (4 to 6 quart)

• Strainer

• Glass jar(s) for storing the stock in the refrigerator or freezer


• Chicken bones including cartilage parts, ideally including neck, feet and head  (bones can be from a roasted chicken or fresh)

• Rice vineger, apple cider vinegar or any acid, such as lemon juice

• Water

***Quality matters here. Use good quality / organic ingredients

Direction: time 12~48 hours

1. Combine the chicken bones, parts and other ingredients in the stockpot or crockpot, along with vinegar (1/4 cup for every 4-6 quarts but the amounts can vary) and enough cold water to cover the ingredients by @ 2 fingers. 

2. Optional: Let sit for 1 hour off heat. This increases the amount of gelatin and minerals released.

3. If using the stockpot on the stove, bring to a boil and skim the scum that comes to the top. (These are impurities and off flavors. Organic pasture based poultry will have much less scum). Then turn down to a simmer, and cover. Simmer low for 12 to 48 hours. If using the crockpot, turn on high to bring a to boil, and skim off scum. (Some crockpots will not heat high enough to bring to a boil though.) Then turn to low and let cook for 12 to 48 hours. (Optional: The time can be cumulative; i.e. not keeping the heat on overnight, the stock can cool at room temperature for up to 12 hours safely)

4. In the hour before finishing, add green herbs, salt and pepper. Salt and pepper may be omitted and added later to the dish, which incorporates the stock.

5. Using a slotted spoon, transfer all the bones, parts, and skin to a catch bowl. Ladleful by ladleful, strain the stock through a strainer into a glass jar for storage. Allow to cool.

6. Put in the refrigerator for up to five days (A fat layer unbroken will help the stock keep longer.) Or store in the freezer for several months. Be careful when freezing liquids in glass jars, as there is a risk of breaking the jar. Minimize the risk by keeping the level of liquid below the shoulder of the jar and not capping tightly until frozen. Also laying the jar on its side in the freezer prevents cracking. Or avoid the issue completely by using other freezer storage containers. 

***Seek out BPH free containers as BPH can leech out in freezer.

7. Optional: To save freezer space, create a reduction sauce. Use the stovetop and allow the stock to simmer at a low boil an additional few hours with the lid off, during which time much water will evaporate, leaving a thicker stock with less volume.

8. Optional: Freeze stock in muffin tins or ice cube trays and then store in zip-lock bags for easy access to small amounts to add to sauces and dishes

I added above Chinese herbs into soup to make it super medicinal :)

I added above Chinese herbs into soup to make it super medicinal :)